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среда, 12 декабря 2012 г.

Football players lie about drugs which are used by them

The National Football League is not permitted to disclose details, when players fail drug tests. It is only reported that certain persons have tested positive for banned drugs. But the League must not report which substances have been taken by these sportspersons. So, some football players lie about preparations that have resulted in positives.
Why do some football players choose to cheat about preparations that have been administered by them? Let explain.
Numerous football players that fail drug tests say that they have applied Adderall. Actually, they have administered anabolic steroids. Why do they say that they have tested positive for Adderall? What does Adderall represent? This is a preparation that is used for treatment of attention-deficit disorder. But this medicine is administered not just for this clinical purpose. Sportspersons and bodybuilders apply this drug for athletic goals.
When it comes to anabolic steroids, they are harshly blamed. Numerous reporters, scientists, anti-doping officers and ordinary persons claim that these drugs are too dangerous. They may lead to various severe side reactions. Anabolic steroids are blamed even for some crimes. But as for Adderall, this product is not blamed in the society. So, numerous football players try to avoid criticism. They don’t desire to be demonized for administration of such banned products, as anabolic steroids. Since consumers of Adderall are not criticized harshly, football players affirm that they have failed drug tests because they have used Adderall.
A football player compared this situation with following cases: those who are arrested with cocaine tell others that they have administered marijuana because cocaine is more harshly demonized than the last one.
You should not think that each football player that says that he has tested positive for Adderall has actually used steroids. But it is possible to claim that those that apply Adderall are less demonized than those that apply steroids.

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