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вторник, 28 февраля 2012 г.

Tom Verducci has voted for an admitted steroid user for Baseball Hall of Fame

Tom Verducci of Sports Illustrated says about debates connected with rughts of steroid users to be voted into the Baseball Hall of Fame. But as it usually happens, this explanation displays only confusion of sportswriters about steroids.
The Baseball Writers Association of America (BWAA) is a professional association of baseball reporters that chose players for the National Baseball Hall of Fame. All reporters who are members of the BWAA already not less than 10 years have opportunity to elect up to 10 players for the Hall of Fame.
Recently it was a debate between members of the BWAA. They discussed whether admitted or just suspected users of steroids and other banned drugs might entry into Cooperstown.
Members of the BWAA usually have to comment their votes: they have to explain why they have voted pro or contra certain affirmations. Some of them confirm that doping destructs the integrity of sports and usage of prohibited medicines is often claimed by them to be immoral.
As for Tom Verducci, he doesn’t confirm that usage of steroids is necessarily a moral question. This American sportswriter notes that steroids help users to take unfair advantage over those who don’t use controlled substances. According to this American sportswriter, performance-enhancing drugs make competitions unfair. Thus, usage of prohibited medications promotes unfairness in sports. That’s why Verducci denies any connection between doping and morality. He claims that it is a question that is linked with performance but not to morality. So, this sportswriter suggests that consumers of steroids should not be allowed to be in the Hall of Fame. But he has voted for Jeff Bagwell, an admitted steroid user. This sportsperson has admitted that he had administrated androstenedione. It is important to mention that this medication was not classified as an anabolic steroid, when Bagwell took it. According to the Control Act 2004, it is listed among forbidden products. Since it wasn’t legally considered to be a steroid, Verducci decided to vote for the user of this preparation; however, it was always claimed to be an anabolic-androgenic steroid by scientists. Moreover, it was said that Bagwell just became bigger but didn’t induce his performance due to intake of androstenedione.
Nevertheless, the decision of Tom Verducci to vote for the admitted consumer of the steroid is quite controversial. The following question appears: “Maybe Tom Verducci is not against intake of steroids and other performance-enhancing drugs by sportspeople?” Since this sportswriter doesn’t agree that usage of steroids is a moral question, he may suggest that increase of performance is not a real problem.
Many people suggest that usage of steroids represents evil because they are illegal.

A murder of a teacher by a bodybuilder that used steroids

Johnnie Lee Wiggins is a NPC heavyweight bodybuilder. This bodybuilder was very successful. He took the third place at the 2011 NPC Emerald Cup and won the 2011 NPC Empire Classic.
This person was a boyfriend of Prudence Hockley. She taught English at Woodinville High School in Washington. This lady met the bodybuilder in a gym. He was a personal trainer at that moment.
Once the bodybuilder saw another man’s vehicle in the yard of her home. It was on Christmas day. This bodybuilder was a jealous individual. Johnnie Lee Wiggins beat Prudence Hockley very brutally. Then he left Prudence Hockley unconscious and bleeding on the ground in the yard. She was taken in a medical centre where she died that day. The child of Prudence Hockley was at home and called police and hospital.
It was not the first time, when this bodybuilder was aggressive with a woman. Certain women reported that Johnnie Lee Wiggins was very jealous person. They also confirmed that he became aggressive numerous times.
Earlier Lee Wiggins served more than 5 years in prison for assault, robbery and theft. It was in Georgia. This person was released in 2008. During May 2011 he was under supervision of the Washington Department of Corrections.
It is necessary to notice that this bodybuilder was released on probation. During this time a police official caught him possessing anabolic steroids; he attacked the officer. The Washington Department of Corrections sent him to Georgia but he didn’t inform the Georgia Department of corrections that he had come back.
It was said that Lee Wiggins had had “roid rage”. In fact, this term is widely used by media that claims that it is an undesirable result of anabolic steroids. But it is necessary to know that the affirmation about uncontrolled aggressiveness which is believed to be caused by usage of anabolic steroids is not proven scientifically. Only a significantly small number of steroid users have this reaction. Intake of steroids doesn’t lead to violence against women. Millions cases of domestic violence take place each year but they have nothing to do with anabolic steroids.
There are other factors which lead to domestic violence. Anabolic steroids should not be demonized for uncontrolled manner and violence. Media has to define other conditions to blame for tragedies.

воскресенье, 26 февраля 2012 г.

The UFC steroid program is criticized by numerous anti-doping agencies

Dana White, the president of Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) tries to defend the drug-testing program of this organization. According to the UFC, their most advanced drug-testing program is in North America. Is it actually true? Sometimes it seems that only fool athletes are caught taking forbidden products by the UFC.
There are some agencies that criticize the anti-doping policy of the UFC harshly. The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA), the United States Anti-Doping Agency (USADA) and the Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport (CCES) are chief agencies that criticize anti-doping program of the UFC. But which is the reason? Of course, they struggle for own interests. They try to control testing for prohibited medicines in all professional and amateur sport leagues in the whole world. It is not a secret that steroid testing has become a business that is profitable. Since they haven’t tested fighters for banned medicines, they have lost a lot of money.
But there are also several real problems linked with the UFC steroid policy that should be taken in consideration. Travis Tygart, the CEO of the WADA, announces that drug testing of the UFC isn’t proper. It goes without saying that the WADA has the best anti-doping policy. The UFC anti-doping program can’t be even compared with that of the UFC. Travis Tygart confirms that the UFC put efforts to look better than they are in reality. The CEO of the WADA confirms that it is quite ironically that the UFC defends own steroid testing program and doesn’t agree to have the same or just similar principles as the WADA has.
Major League Baseball did an immense mistake, claiming that steroids represent a great problem in this sport. Thus, it was hurt good public impression about baseball. As for the National Football League, it was created perception that their anti-doping policy has been very effective.
A question appears: Does Dana White have ability to show that there is no steroid problem in the UFC?

The Association of Surfing Professionals may create a wrong public impression, introducing a new steroid program in this sport

Anabolic steroids are utilized by surfers too. Sport governing body announces that prohibited preparations are an essential problem in this sport. That’s why the Association of Surfing Professionals made a decision to implicate testing for anabolic steroids and other forbidden products that are used for enhancement of performance.
The Association of Surfing Professionals led several discussions with the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA). They asked how they could implicate testing for prohibited products into surfing. Since anti-doping program of the WADA is claimed to be the best policy, the surfing organization wants to apply this protocol. It goes without saying that this is the next victory of the WADA which induces the opportunity to manage anti-doping programs in sports.
It is known that surfing is a competitive sport. So, strength, speed and endurance are main skills which promote winning. So, surfers could decide that usage of anabolic steroids and other performance-enhancing drugs contributes in success greatly. It is also necessary to take in consideration that amount of money that is got by winners is large. Winners receive no less than 100, 000 dollars. Desire to receive money could lead surfers to decision to use anabolic steroids.
Nevertheless, it is said that intake of anabolic steroids and other medicines which enhance performance is not widespread in surfing. A lot of persons believe that intake of recreational drugs is more widespread among surfers than intake of steroids. Sport of 1970s and 1980s was frequently associated with marijuana and lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD). Current facts justify this impression. The number of surfers that are caught taking marijuana, methamphetamine and cocaine is quite high.
The professional surfer Andi Irons died in November 2010. The reason of his death was a heart attack caused by drug abuse. It was determined that steroids hadn’t been implicated in this case. Traces of methamphetamine, cocaine and methadone metabolites were found in his system.
Another surfer, Peter Davi, died in December 2007. High levels of meth were also found in his system.
As for the professional surfer Anthony Ruffo, he was caught selling meth.
Only Neco Padaratz, a professional surfer from Brazil, was caught using steroids. He received a one-year ban. This person tested positive for prohibited products in 2004. This person said that he had used these drugs to receive a complete recovery from back injuries. In spite of his defense, he was sentenced to a ban. He was the first individual that was caught administrating steroids by the Association of Surfing Professionals. According to many sources, he remains to be the only surfer that has ever been caught by the ASP.
The ASP has already the initial budget to introduce the WADA steroid program into surfing.
While it is unlikely that steroids represent a problem in surfing, the new anti-doping program may create a wrong public impression.

вторник, 21 февраля 2012 г.

The authorities of Paw Paw used a steroid dealer to catch police officers that administrate steroids

The former officer of Paw Paw Department Robert Kusmack was caught possessing Fluoxymesterone (Halotestin) due to a Michigan steroid investigation. The targets of the investigation were personnel of law enforcement and an owner of a gym. As a result, this police officer received probation of 1 year and was sentenced to pay certain fine. So, Robert Kusmack was dismissed in 2010.
Investigations connected with steroids are conducted generally in the following way: steroid users are used to distributors of steroids. But sometimes authorities choose another way to lead investigations.
United States Mail Inspection Service had found a package which contained 50 vials of HGH and was addressed to the distributor of steroids Tom Radke. The West Michigan Enforcement Team (WMET) and the Kalamazoo Valley Enforcement Team (KVET) started the investigation that resulted in detection of the steroid dealer.
But the authorities made a decision not to prosecute Tom Radke but to use him as an informant. It was made a decision to catch police officers who apply steroids with the help of the distributor of steroids. An owner of a local gym was implicated in this process too.
Tom Radke acted as an undercover informant in this case. He sold Fluoxymesterone to Aaron DiPrima who was the owner of a local gym. The gym owner supplied the police official Robert Kusmack with this preparation. Both the owner of the gym and Robert Kusmack were arrested.
The gym owner Aaron DiPrima pleaded guilty in possession of an analogue. He was sentenced to one-year probation. He was also sentenced to 60 hours of community service. Thus, the distributor of steroids was not sentenced to prison. Three consumers of steroids lost their jobs.

Anabolic steroids are not responsible for the death of Hegstrand

The professional wrestling tag team the Road Warriors were first that introduced bodybuilding-type muscularity in this sport. This tag team was composed of Hawk (Mike Hegstrand) and Animal (Joe Laurinaitis). Hegstrand died in 2003. The death of this wrestler was sudden because of a heart attack. This professional wrestler died at the age of 46. As it is known, popular media usually reports about deaths of professional wrestlers, connecting the cases with administration of anabolic steroids. The death of Hegstrand was not an exception. After the death of this wrestler a lot of articles appeared in newspapers that demonized anabolic steroids for this case.
Joe “Animal” Laurinaitis admitted to administration of steroids by this professional wrestling tag team. But he claimed that these drugs hadn’t caused Hegstrand’s death. He added that other aspects were responsible for Hegstrand’s death as well as deaths of other wrestlers. Joe Laurinaitis pointed out that such drugs, as cocaine and Xanax had to be demonized for such cases. Laurinaitis announced that he wanted to explain that steroids had not been linked with Hegstrand’s death.
Joe Laurinaitis said that cocaine and Xanax had led to the death of this professional wrestler. He also announced that these drugs caused deaths of such celebritites, as Henning, Rick Rude and Davey Boy Smith. According to Joe Laurinaitis, intake of cocaine often leads to usage of morphine. These drugs destruct health totally and cause heart attacks.
Why must affirmation of Laurinaitis be true? He was in Australia with Hegstrand. He knows about what he talks. Lately this professional wrestler joined to Andrew William Wright to say about his experiences with “Hawk”.

суббота, 18 февраля 2012 г.

Andrew Tilin describes in his book experiences of people that have doped

The amateur rider and journalist Andrew Tilin was banned for 2 years. United States Anti-Doping Agency banned this person after he had admitted administrating steroids for legal hormone replacement therapy. The admitting was made by the rider in own book which will be soon probably released. The book is entitled following: “The Doper Next Door: My Strange and Scandalous Year on Performance-Enhancing Drugs” .
The book describes individual experiences of some people who administrated performance-enhancing drugs.
So, Tilin used the steroid testosterone for hormone replacement therapy. It is quite clear. In fact, it is not yet clear whether this person has noticed about personal experience related also to other medications which increase performance.
Andrew Tilin wants to comprehend and describe in his book why individuals dope. He notes the motivations of various individuals. Do these medications help actually? These preparations are quite controversial; the explanations connected with these medicines are controversial as well. Since a lot of users do not like saying about their usage, some answers on questions about doping remain undisclosed.
Andrew Tilin has been evidentially changed due to intake of the steroid testosterone. He has become much more powerful but more aggressive. He had to worry about his health and about the methods to lie, being an amateur rider. So, he became to be implicated in the doping subculture.
Writing his book, this amateur rider desired to explain that steroids are dangerous and lead to many side symptoms. A lot of sportspeople who have taken controlled drugs criticize the writer. One of critics is Joe Papp, a former American cyclist. This sportsperson was caught distributing and using some performance-enhancing drugs. He didn’t admit using forbidden preparations willingly; he was caught due to an investigation. His professional and personal life was destroyed because of these controlled drugs. Joe Papp wrote about Andrew Tilin that he had been doped for a year intentionally. Papp noted that Tilin had known that the steroid testosterone was banned but he had taken it. Then he wrote that these medications caused unexpected reactions in consumers. According to Joe Papp, Andrew Tilin had to receive a ban for 4 years.
The ban of Andrew Tilin began in March 2011.

Some distributors of steroids do not follow even common cautions and that’s why they are caught

Distribution of anabolic steroids without any prescription for athletic purposes is illegal in United States of America. If anybody intends to sell these medications and is involved in operations linked with the steroid black market, this individual takes risks having serious troubles. But there are also methods to avoid or lower risks being caught by police officials.
Distributors of steroids should follow all traffic rules. This condition is too important. If an individual violates any traffic rule, driving his vehicle, police officers’ attention will be attracted upon this action. Imagine what happens: when anybody violates speed limit rules, he/she will be stopped by police officers. Furthermore, if this individual also smokes pot with his friend, driving the car and violating traffic rules, drug-sniffing dogs will be probably brought to define whether there are any drugs in the vehicle.
Furthermore, clever distributors of steroids keep the all products, the price list and the customer list in a safe place. But if several distributors of steroids keep all these things in the vehicle in which they were smoking pot, violating speed limit laws, they will be caught possessing steroids illegally with intentions to sell them. Then the troubles begin.
Steroid dealers can say that it is not required to describe such warnings because it goes without any saying that all distributors of illegal drugs comprehend these cautions. But real facts prove that certain steroid dealers don’t follow these recommendations and that’s why they are caught.
A case will be presented further. Deputies of Yavapai County Sheriff Office stopped a car driven by Johnson because this individual violated certain traffic laws. The deputies supposed that there might be contraband in this vehicle. The suggestions were justified. Marijuana, certain 10-ml vials of the steroid testosterone and syringes were found in this cat. Certain documents founded in the vehicle displayed that the amounts of steroids were at the price of over 3,000 dollars.

среда, 15 февраля 2012 г.

Mixed martial artists use surgeries for increase of performance

Sportspersons are always looking for any ways to increase their performance. Nobody may doubt about it. That’s why a lot of athletes use anabolic steroids or/and other medications that have performance-enhancing effects. But there is another way too. Mixed martial artists apply even plastic surgery for this need.
It is known that fighters suffer from facial lacerations. This is the nature of this sport. After mixed martial artists have experienced a cut, they become more vulnerable to future cuts. The scar tissue can develop; wounds are sutured in some cases improperly. It happens that surgeons suture only the superficial layer of the skin. This aspect results in improper healing of underlying tissue.
An interesting article about Frank Stile, a plastic surgeon was published by the writer Jake Rossen. This specialist performs surgeries for mix martial artists. He removes the scar tissue and replaces it with tissue from donated corpses. Such procedures are frequently used for cosmetic needs. Frank Stile turns to be the first surgeon that has used this procedure for for enhancement of performance in mixed martial artists.
It is also important to know that prominent facial bones in the nose, brow and cheek can make the fighters predisposed to cuts. But it may be avoided as well. Surgeons may remove the sharp edges. It can help to avoid probable cuts.
Since inclinations to lacerations disturb fighters to achieve better results, some specialists confirm that it is possible to create a super-fighter due to plastic surgery. So, these fighters will have significant competitive advantages.
Earlier experts thought about this aspect too. It can prove the work written by the science fiction author Richard Matheson. The story was created in 1956. The writer described a future. It was written that fans watched how large robot athletes fought, trying to destruct one another’s CPUs.
When Matheson was writing the story, he didn’t suppose that it would be provocative. A lot of persons wanted to see other sportspeople in reality. They desired the fighter to be other than human. That’s why numerous fans invested much money, hoping to reach this result.
It is possible to suggest that cosmetic operation will soon reach the level of the method of steroid use and administration of other performance-enhancing medications.
Of course, many ethical questions appear in this situation. But some experts say that it is too late to discuss these questions. Human performance is already closely connected with technological progress. The corruption of sports has begun many years ago and it can’t be stopped, according to opinions of many experts.
Anti-doping agencies have shown that they can’t fight against steroids and other banned products effectively. Will anybody have ability to keep fighters from surgical procedures?

Is “roid rage” a real side effect of anabolic steroids?

A lot of people suppose that “roid rage” or uncontrolled aggression is a normal side reaction that occurs in steroid users. Furthermore, several individuals consider that it is even impossible to prevent this adverse reaction, if you administrate steroids. Nevertheless, it is not proven scientifically that it is a real unwanted effect of anabolic steroids. But even if we suggest that it exists, it can appear just in small number of steroid users.
Since a lot of individuals think that “roid rage” is an undesirable reaction of anabolic steroids, many ill-informed legislative suggestions were made. Some such proposals have been made in Oregon. It has been proposed to introduce some new laws. According to these new laws, if any police officials have been involved in deadly force, or if police force resulted in some injuries, they should be tested for steroids.
The same proposal was made by the politician Lew Frederick in Oregon House of Representatives. Those police officers who have been involved in deadly force will be investigated, tested for some drugs and their mental health will be also evaluated.
Actually, it is not clear why police officials who are involved in deadly force will be tested for steroids. Can steroid use prove that application of deadly force was unjustified? Is it claimed that steroids due to aggressiveness can make police officers unable to make reasonable decisions?
Investigation team is a proper idea for police officers who use deadly force. But administration of steroids should not be taken in consideration here. Positives or negatives for steroids can’t determine whether deadly force has been applied properly or not. It doesn’t matter a police official has used steroids, aspirin or just consumed juice.
Thus, it is possible to conclude that legislators turn to be captivated by hysteria connected with “roid rage” of anabolic steroids. It goes without saying that illegal usage of steroids by police officials should be a legitimate concern. But it is not spoken about uncontrolled aggressive behavior as a chief reason in this situation. The problem is that illegal intake of controlled substances by police officials makes them vulnerable to corruption and the steroid black market. Such police officers may compromise.

понедельник, 13 февраля 2012 г.

Role of Dr. Drew in Rehab Celebrity

The actor Jeremy Jackson played role of Hobie Buchanon, the son of David Hasselhof, in the TV series Baywatch. This person turned to anabolic steroids and HGH to overcome addiction to methamphetamine.
He did it because he was told to go info sports to escape from meth addiction but now he fears for his life. The actor Jeremy Jackson became addicted to the gym and HGH and the steroid testosterone. this person can’t discontinue using these products.
The actor Jeremy Jackson joined the cast of Celebrity Rehab with the physician Drew Pinsky for Season 5. But unemployed actors must have drug addiction in order to join Celebrity Rehab. What does Celebrity Rehab represent actually? It is the first TV series about real experiences of famous persons that desire to change their lives, to escape from addiction to alcohol and drugs. So, they join Celebrity Rehab to be cured. All these individuals have a real desire to achieve the recovery.
The main specialist is Drew Pinsky there. This person is known better as Dr. Drew. He is a radio and television personality. This doctor hosted the talk show LOVELINE.
It is known that Jeremy Jackson doesn’t administrate methamphetamine since 2000. He is clean from this addiction. Then, he has joined Celebrity Rehab to cure his steroid addiction.
Earlier the doctor Drew Pinsky said in an interview that he knew many things about steroids. This person noticed that when he was 20 years old, he was in the world of bodybuilders. Those who administrated steroids told him about many things because he was involved in medicine. They told him such things that were not spoken to others. The specialist Drew Pinsky noted that certain athletes began to take steroids just because anybody gave them a pill. They attempted to administrate it and became addicted to steroids step by step. Now they are dying from the addiction. They have depression, aggressive behavior, mania and physical troubles. They have cut their lives by 10-20 years. They have chosen this way themselves.
Nevertheless, it is important to note that however it is widely discussed about steroid addiction and dependency, this aspect doesn’t have any scientific basis. The American Psychological Association has not yet proved it. One offers to change the methods. So, further studies are required in this field.

However Dough Baron used testosterone for medical needs, he was called a cheater

State Pharmaceuticals produces subcutaneous pellet delivery system for the steroid testosterone. This company proclaimed that it was a sponsor of the professional golfer Dough Baron. It is known that this person is the only professional golfer who has received a ban by the PGA Tour because he has violated anti-doping rules. The chief executive officer of State Pharmaceuticals Robert Whitehead stated that it was not fairly to ban this professional golfer. He defended this as well as other professional athletes who use the steroid testosterone, when it is recommended by physicians in order to enhance reduced levels of this hormone in them.
While the golfer filed a lawsuit against the PGA Tour, Robert Whitehead supported him in this lawsuit. Robert Whitehead noticed that the PGA Tour didn’t have any justice to call Dough Baron a “cheater”. Although the status of the lawsuit hadn’t been made public, the PGA Tour decided to approve the clinical administration of the steroid testosterone by Dough Baron. Thus, the golfer Dough Baron received a TUE for usage of the steroid testosterone for medical needs.
Robert Whitehead mentioned why State Pharmaceuticals decided to be the sponsor of this golfer. He argued that the PGA Tour acted improperly in many situations. The sportsperson who needed therapeutic usage of testosterone was called a cheater. So, the PGA Tour contributed in medical ignorance and kept sportsmen from improving their health. Robert Whitehead said that numerous points of view linked with testosterone replacement therapy were not proven scientifically. These misconceptions have kept numerous individuals from the medical care.
Robert Whitehead noticed that Dough Barron was guilty in one mistake: he had become the innocent victim of other persons’ ignorance.
The conditions of the agreement between the company State Pharmaceuticals and Dough Baron were not made public. It was just noted that Barron would educate public about hypogonadism and testosterone replacement therapy.

среда, 8 февраля 2012 г.

Ignorance of the director general of the WADA

David Howman, the director general of the WADA, seems to consider that Clenbuterol is an anabolic steroid. This man confirms that illegal heroin is not as profitable as anabolic steroids that are legal, if they are got and applied according to physicians’ prescriptions. He is also shocked by the affirmation that steroids are applied in order to increase growth of livestock.
Howman says that application of steroids for growth of livestock is quite obvious due to contaminated beef in China. This person notes that the WADA has written to the Chinese minister who has to explain what actually happens in the food industry of this country.
The director general of the WADA speaks about Clenbuterol as about an anabolic steroid. He notices that Chinese beef contains steroids. This man thinks mistakenly like many other persons consider that all preparations that have performance-enhancing effects are anabolic steroids. It shows ignorance of these individuals. They have to comprehend that not only anabolic steroids belong to the list of prohibited medications. There are drugs which cause performance-enhancing effects but they are not steroids.
Since David Howman is the director general of the World ADA, he must display essentially better knowledge connected with prohibited preparations. Howman should comprehend the difference between such preparations as Clenbuterol and anabolic steroids.
The director general of the WADA says that steroid smuggling is much more profitable than heroin smuggling because steroids are legal in certain cases but heroin is illegal under any circumstances. Moreover, anabolic steroids are legal in some countries.
The director general of the WADA says that forbidden medicines are dangerous for youth, elite sportspersons and any individual that purchases and applies them not for legal purposes.

The drug tax law in Louisiana

A drug tax has to be paid in the state of Louisiana for distribution of steroids. This rule exists in this state for the past 20 years. So, Todd Matherne, a distributor of steroids was enforced to pay 52 million dollars because he distributed many steroids with the labels of the “Zencall Labs”. This individual received a 7-year imprisonment but he served 3 years of them.
In fact, Todd Matherne didn’t know the Louisiana’s drug stamp law. But when he was released from the prison, he found about this law. As a result, this steroid dealer filed a lawsuit against the State of Louisiana, noticing that it was incorrect to enforce him to pay 52 million of dollars. This steroid dealer claimed that it had been an unusual and even too cruel punishment. This man pointed out that his rights were violated.
The Louisiana Department of Revenue didn’t fight against this person in the court. It was decided to achieve agreement in this case. Thus, the tax was decreased essentially. According to the new settlement, this steroid dealer had to pay just 2, 000 dollars instead of 52 million dollars. Nonetheless, this drug tax law has remained in Louisiana but its constitutionality is still discussed.
John Williams, a specialist in drug prosecution for the Louisiana District Attorney Association, noticed that certain laws in different other states were ruled unconstitutionally. He confirmed that it was the same with the drug tax law in Louisiana. But since some laws try to criminal twice the same crime, they can be lifted.
This specialist mentioned that this law couldn’t work well because it might exclude criminal prosecution. This expert for drug prosecution from Louisiana noticed that the drug tax law was not being used because a criminal case could be lost in exchange only for taxes.
There is also another reason which may explain why law enforcements do not intend to impose the drug tax law in Louisiana. Law enforcements don’t support this law because the taxes don’t go to law enforcement; they go to state agencies.
According to drug tax law in Louisiana, the tax of 200 dollars is indicated per 1 g of anabolic steroids, if they are sold by weight. If these medications are distributed by dose units, it is indicated to pay 400 dollars for 10 dosage units.
As for Todd Matherne, he was a steroid dealer of the large underground lab called “Zencall Labs”. The Louisiana State Police busted this lab in 2005. More than 10, 000 tablets and 300 capsules of Stanozolol, over 6, 000 tablets of Anadrol, 3,500 tablets and 1, 900 capsules of Cialis, 1, 5000 capsules of Tamoxifen, 2, 400 capsules of Clomid, 800 capsules of Anabol and 600 capsules of Dianabol were seized by the officials. Moreover, over 700 vials of injectable anabolic steroids and several pounds of raw steroid powder were also found there.

вторник, 7 февраля 2012 г.

Activities of the anti-steroid campaign “Don’t Be An Asterisk” are reinvigorated

The anti-steroid campaign “Don’t Be An Asterisk” was organized to educate people about application of steroids, about risks linked with performance-enhancing substances within and outsides sports in order to promote discontinuing taking these medications.
But this campaign was in negligence during certain time. The United States Olympic Committee (USOC) and Ad Council make the decision to restore activities of this campaign. It was decided to create a new gateway page for the website and to alter the name from the “Don’t Be an Asterisk” to the “Play Asterisk Free”.
The new website for “Play Asterisk Free” has links and leads to the initial “Don’t Be Asterisk” which has been without any changes for over 2 years. This site promotes the visitors to enter another new page which is on Facebook. So, they can play asterisk free there. The same page will be created on Twitter with the same name “Play Asterisk Free”. So, the popular social media will promote spreading the messages of the anti-steroid.
The original site includes an interactive soccer game. Players have to score goals avoiding the asterisks. The asterisks are anabolic steroids. If the interactive soccer players don’t avoid the asterisks, they become much more muscular.
Although the game has been established to convince kids that steroids are not safe, the results are opposite. Children find it funny to fail avoiding asterisks and to observe how muscles of the interactive players become significantly increased. However the game is still available on the website, it is unlikely that it will be able to teach kids that steroids must not be taken.
The principal goal of this campaign is to teach children that a consumer of steroids isn’t a fair person; he\she is “fake”, a “joke” and a “poser”.

Jose Canseco describes his own experience related to steroids in his third book

Jose Canseco who has proclaimed himself as a “godfather of steroids” in baseball writes his third book. This writer avoids discussing anabolic steroids and other drugs that have performance-enhancing effects. He intends to focus on his own experience. The book which has the title “The truth hurts” will describe how the writer’s revelations about application of steroids by celebrated baseball players corrupted his life. Jose Canseco is going to write that he has been affected both professionally and financially because he knew the truth.
Jose Canseco’s first book has the title “Juiced: Wild Times, Rampant Roids, Smash Hits and How Baseball Got Big”. It is the bestseller. This writer named certain baseball players who applied steroids. Such players, as Mark McGwire, Rafael Palmeiro and Jason Giambi were mentioned in the book. Thus, Canseco made public consumers of steroids in baseball. Moreover, as a result, some of these accused sportspersons admitted that they administrated forbidden drugs. Then, as a celebration of the winning, Jose published another book which had the title “Vindicated”. Jose Canseco noted also names of other baseball players that applied steroids. Alex Rodriguez and Roger Clemens were named by the author.
Several individuals suppose that the third book of this writer will fail. It will not achieve the same celebrity as previous books, according to them. These persons say that Jose Canseco will be probably surprised but connections between truth about steroids and his professional life will not attract readers.
But it is unclear whether the opinions of these persons that confirm that the third book of Canseco will fail will be turned to be true. The author has been entertaining many persons, when he fought against Danny Bonaduce in a celebrity boxing match in 2009. Earlier Jose Canseco was humiliated, when he fought against the former football player Vai Sikahema in a boxing match. Jose Canseco was knocked by Vai Sikahema and was ridiculed by numerous persons.
It is known that Jose Canseco applied anabolic steroids and his natural testosterone creation became suppressed. Thus, he suffered from such side effects of steroids, as low libido and depression.
Jose Canseco also attempted to contraband HCG across the Mexican border. This person did it for self-administration to be treated from reduced testosterone level. So, he had legal troubles connected with steroids.
Recently Jose Canseco entertained a lot of people, when he wrote on his Twitter account that he would hit easily a softball further than Rodriguez may hit a baseball. He challenged Alex Rodriguez to compete with him.
The time comes, when we see whether the book of Jose Canseco “The truth hits” will have success.