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среда, 29 августа 2012 г.

Tests for steroids conducted by WADA are not reliable

Recently Alan Abramson published an article where he discussed whether tests conducted by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) were effective.
The WADA conducts many tests for steroids and other related medications every year. It seems that those that dope are caught. One may believe that the world of sports and professional bodybuilding will be soon cleansed from application of banned medications. For example, a lot of tests for forbidden medications have been conducted at the 2012 Olympic Games.
But several questions appear here. Are these tests sophisticated enough to detect any athlete that dopes? Are these tests efficient?
Let examine results of several tests. In 2010 the WADA publicized statistics according which 258,267 samples were analyzed by 35 WADA-accredited labs. Out of these samples 4,820 results were atypical findings. Circa 60 % of positives indicated about steroid use. Many positives were for cannibinoids. 10 % positives indicated about usage of marijuana. As you see, just 60% out of those who administered forbidden products applied steroids. Is it real? Don’t manifest the results of the tests that the WADA doesn’t do the job suitably?
Dick Pound, the former president of the WADA, considers that at least 10 % of sportspersons who participated in the 2012 Olympic Games administered steroids. He affirms that those steroid users that are not clever are caught by anti-doping agencies. He also confirms that a sportsperson who has been caught using banned drugs will fail an IQ test. He concludes that only unwise sportspersons can’t avoid detection.
So, when you hear that the WADA has conducted numerous tests to make sports clean, consider whether these statements are true. Is able the WADA to make competitions fair? Why does the WADA publicize about number of tests?
It seems that the WADA just desires to convince people that the job is done suitably. The WADA wants to secure future funds. This is the reality.

Steroids in bodybuilding and in sports during certain decades

There are arguable opinions about anabolic steroids. Consumers praise these products because they produce evident positive effects. Experts conduct various studies, trying to define whether these products are safe for administration. Sports organizations ban intake of these medications because they have significant impact on performance. As for governments of certain countries, they have made buying, intake and distribution of anabolic steroids illegal. So, those that are caught violating these laws may be sentenced to a fine and/or imprisonment.
You may find numerous articles that blame steroids for several crimes. However there are many statements about these medications, the most of people don’t comprehend the essence of these medicines.
Anabolic-androgenic steroids have ability to increase muscle mass and help to obtain significant strength. While anabolic properties of these medications induce creating new muscles, androgenic features are responsible for development of male sexual characteristics.
What induced elaboration of these medicines? It is known that there were numerous battles between different cultures since ancient time. Thus, different cultures tried to invent something which could help soldiers to be brave and have strength enough to win. They administered rhinoceros horn, shark tooth and other some extracts. Later testicles of animals began to be researched. It led to introduction of anabolic steroids.
 The hormone androstenone was isolated from numerous other compounds in 1930 for the first time by the specialist Adolf Butenandt. Then other types of hormones were synthesized. By 1939 the hormone testosterone, a basis of current anabolic steroids, was synthesized.
1940s and 1950s were years of significant steroid development. Numerous studies were conducted in various countries around the world. Scientists studied effects of these medications on performance of sportspeople and bodybuilders. Several doctors promoted usage of steroids among professional sportspeople. One of them was John Ziegler. He administered the steroid Dianabol to Olympic athletes.
Steroids were also widely administered in sports and bodybuilding in 1960s and in 1970. Over 50 % Olympic athletes used these medications. However new tests were introduced by anti-doping officials, it was impossible to combat administering these preparations by athletes.
Nowadays more sophisticated tests for steroids and other related products have been introduced. Nevertheless, these products are still widely applied in the world of sports and bodybuilding. Smart consumers know some methods to use steroids without being detected.

понедельник, 27 августа 2012 г.

Most of steroid users are persons that need strength for their jobs

It is affirmed that the most of steroid users are professional sportspersons and high school students who are involved in sports. It seems to be true because anabolic steroids are able to promote enhancing muscle mass and strength. These are effects that appreciated by sportspersons because they put efforts to win competitions. Moreover, you read many articles which present steroid scandals that occur in sports: in Major League Baseball, National Football League, Olympics, etc. You become convinced that steroids are such medicines which are mainly spread in sports. You also read many pieces of news which notice about intake of performance-enhancing drugs by high school students that look at professional sportspersons and want to become so prominent, as they are.
But Lena Butler, a sportswriter, confirms that the most part of steroid users are not sportspersons. The most of steroid users are bodybuilders that don’t participate in any competitions. So, 80% of steroid users are non-competitive bodybuilders. The most of them are young: over the age 25. These are those that work as military professionals, officers of law enforcement, etc. So, these are those who have such jobs which require strength. These individuals administer steroids for enhancement of their strength and do their jobs appropriately.
It is also interesting to mention that numerous individuals that have own business use steroids. They have enough money to look attractively. Thus, they apply steroids in order to improve physique and to reverse aging process.
When it comes to high school students that are involved in sports, they use steroids because they want to succeed in sports. These persons want to win competitions, become well-known and get millions of dollars. Steroid-using famous sportspersons have significant influence on the decision of high school students to administer steroids. Actually, it is unsafe. Health of high school students may be destroyed because of steroids obviously. Unluckily, this class of steroid users doesn’t desire to alter their attitudes to steroids. However they are informed about risks connected with steroids for young consumers, they continue to experiment with steroids. The number of high school students who take these products rises. If certain years ago 1% of high school students administered steroids, nowadays the number is doubled.
However there is a tendency to demonize steroids, it is important to keep in mind that these medicines are administered not only for performance-enhancing effects. They are utilizable for medical needs. Doctors recommend these medications for individuals that suffer from different health disorders. These medications are prescribed for individuals with cancer. HIV/AIDS- individuals administer steroids in order to prevent muscle loss. These products effectively cure other conditions too.

Common troubles related to steroid use

No one can contest positive effects which are caused by application of steroids. Users of these medicines obtain endurance and enhance their muscle mass. As a result, those that take part in competitions win awards. But there is  a negative piece of news here. Anabolic steroids, like any other medications, may lead to unwanted reactions. Functions and even structure of some organs may be destroyed because of steroid use.
That’s why before using anabolic steroids it is important to know about every potential negative effect that may appear on account of these medicines. It is a good idea to learn information about these medicines before you make a final decision to apply them. You should know that several negative reactions of these medicines may be even permanent.
It is also necessary to know instructions connected with application of steroids and follow them. Incorrect administration may cause life-threatening undesirable consequences.
There are also instructions that note how you can reduce dangers connected with some undesirable results or minimize their severity. Those who have appropriate workouts during administration of steroids, take standard doses, have proper nutrition and apply certain ancillary preparations for reduction of negative reactions will not suffer from grave health problems.
Grave  side effects ordinarily trouble those that use enhanced doses and don’t follow other important recommendations.
However it is stated that soon administration of steroids will become safe, you may observe that this time has not come yet. That’s why you must know about all potential dangers in order to avoid some troubles or at least to decrease severity.
The most usual problems related to intake of steroids are listed below:
- liver problems;
- kidney troubles;
- skin problems;
- cardiovascular problems;
- psychological disorders;
- problems related to reproductive system.
Why may be liver functions destroyed by steroids? Let notice. Toxins are contained in steroids. The body tries to get rid of them. Liver participates in this process actively.  So, its functions may be destructed because of the toxins contained in steroids. Cysts and tumors may be developed. It is true also about kidneys which also play significant role in excretion of toxins. It is known that toxins may be also excreted through skin. That’s why  usual undesirable consequences of steroids include acne, oily skin and other related problems.
Steroids may also increase cholesterol levels; thus, arteries around the heart are blocked; blood clots are formed. The heart may become unable to circulate the blood through the body properly. High blood pressure may also trouble steroid users. Even heart attacks may be caused by steroids.
Psychological health may be destructed by steroids as well. Those who take these preparations may become aggressive; they may suffer from abnormal changes in mood and depression. Other mental problems may appear as well.
When it comes to reproductive system, it may be destructed too. Male consumers of steroids may experience shrinkage of testicles, hypertrophy of prostate, gynecomastia, infertility, etc. Female users of steroids may face such problems, as clitoral hypertrophy, hirsutism, irregularities in menstrual cycles, etc.
Unfortunately, steroids can have negative impact on other systems too. Just the most typical undesirable reactions are presented in the article.

среда, 22 августа 2012 г.

New drugs are created for treatment of erectile dysfunctions

Several diseases appear in numerous persons and destroy normal life. One of such problems is erectile dysfunctions. This condition occurs in 50% of males who are over 40 years old. Undoubtedly, this is a problem that may affect relations between partners. Males try to get rid of this trouble. There are some preparations which are prescribed for treatment of erectile troubles. Viagra, Levitra and Cialis are considered to be the best remedies for this purpose.
Some pharmaceutical companies comprehend that the medicines which are taken for treatment of erectile problems are in a high demand. They receive 500-600 million dollars for the medicines which effectively work in case of this problem in men. So, pharmaceutical companies see that they may receive even greater profits, if they create new effective medications for this need. Of course, scientists try to do it.
Lately certain new products for treatment of erectile dysfunctions have been developed. But they should be approved by the FDA before they may be bought and administered legally. These medications include Avanafil, Zoraxel, Zydena (Udenafil) and Bremenalotide.
Let provide essential information about each of these drugs.
The pharmaceutical company Vivus has created the drug Avanafil. Several studies have shown that benefits of this product become evident just 15 minutes after it has been used. But the FDA has not yet approved this medicine. So, it is necessary to wait till its safety will be proven.
The pharmaceutical company Rexahn Pharmaceuticals has developed the product Zoraxel. It influences on the brain, helping to get rid of erectile troubles. It is supposed that this medication will get the FDA’s approval by 2013.
The product Zydena has been developed by the Korean pharmaceutical company by Dong-A Pharmaceuticals. Certain studies have demonstrated that this is an efficient drug which is able to treat erectile problems. While Malaysians and Russians may utilize it, Americans don’t have access to this preparation because it has not been yet approved by the US FDA. It is stated that Zydena works faster than Viagra.
The preparation Bremelanotide has been created by Palatin Technologies. This medicine has certain advantages over others. It is useable for both males and females that have sexual disorders. Moreover, it is able to increase sexual arousal and desire, influencing on central nervous system.
These are new products which will be indicated to treat erectile problems. We may hope that they will improve quality of men’s health.

Brain’s structure and functions and steroid use in teen years

If you read news about steroids, you may claim that almost every article notes about “roid rage” that is claimed to be one of the most dangerous adverse results of these medicines. Anabolic steroids are demonized for many violations, murders and other crimes. It is noticed that these medicines can lead to uncontrolled aggression that leads to abnormal behavior. However it is not proven scientifically whether steroids may actually cause “roid rage”, media mentions about this negative consequence too often. Unluckily, some other serious undesirable reactions are rarely mentioned in news.
Teenagers should be especially warned about several specific negative reactions that may appear in them, if they use steroids in their teen years. The professors Leslie Henderson and Ann Clark of the Giesel School of Medicine in Dartmouth note that these preparations can have very negative impact on adolescents’ brains. These specialists have conducted some researches and made conclusions, basing on the results of their researches. These specialists notice that steroids can cause in adolescents something more dangerous than uncontrolled aggression.
According to Leslie Henderson and Ann Clark, steroids are too dangerous for teenagers because this group of consumers may face certain specific serious adverse results that don’t trouble adult consumers of steroids. The experts note that steroids can affect the brain in adolescents. So, the brain’s structure and functions may be destroyed in teenagers because of steroids. Moreover, these negative consequences may be irreversible. It means that brain’s dysfunctions which are manifested through uncontrolled behavior may present even when the adolescents grow up. Thus, side psychological effects may be manifested even in their adulthood.
But it is necessary to notice that the studies conducted by Leslie Henderson and Ann Clark have enrolled animals. So, these affirmations are made on the basis of animals’ reactions to steroid use. One may doubt whether effects of steroids on adolescents’ brains are the same as those on animals. Nonetheless, Leslie Henderson is sure that these statements are true for humans too.
Moreover, it has been defined that undesirable effects of steroids on teenagers are more lasting than those that appear in adult consumers of steroids.
Leslie Henderson collaborates in her researches with such scientists, as Marie Onakomaiya, Donna Porter and Joseph Oberlander.
Leslie Henderson claims that it is evident that steroids affect teenagers’ behavior. As we know, behavior is controlled by brain. Since behavior is abnormal, the brain’s structure and functions have certain disorders.
So, it is important to warn adolescents about all possible dangers connected with administration of steroids. If they know about these possible negative effects, they will be capable to make a right decision linked with steroids.

вторник, 14 августа 2012 г.

Wade Boggs: if steroid users are elected for Hall of Fame, bad message will be sent to youth

What do retired players of the Major League Baseball believe about administration of steroids? This is the question that is frequently asked by reporters and widely discussed by media. Various persons have various points of view about this issue.
Recently certain retired players of the Major League Baseball were interviewed by certain journalists that tried to learn opinions of the retired players about the steroid era in baseball. Should steroid users be in the Hall of Fame?
Reggie Jackson, Goose Gossage, Dave Henderson, Curt Schillling, Mike Piazza, George Brett and Morgan Ensberg don’t desire to see steroid users in the Baseball Hall of Fame.
Later Wade Boggs was asked about this issue as well. He played professional baseball for 18 years. He was asked whether consumers of steroids could be allowed to be elected for the Hall of Fame. The retired baseball player noted that steroid users must not be elected for the Hall Of Fame. According to his words, it is not the best message for American youth. No one should be allowed to be in the Hall of Fame and affirm that he is one of the greatest players because he has administered anabolic steroids. It is the bad message for the youth around world.
As for the case linked with Roger Clemens, Boggs said nothing negative about him.
Clemens was accused of lying before the Congress about application of steroids and HGH. He was charged with obstruction of Congress, perjury and false statements. But recently the jury acquitted him. The decision of the jury dismissed the statement that Roger Clemens succeeded due to intake of banned medications.
While Wade Boggs refused to say anything unpleasant about Roger Clemens, he had some harsh words about pitchers who use steroids and succeed unfairly.

Top Olympic weightlifters failed tests for banned preparations

Patrick Mendes and Joshua Gilbert, top Olympic weightlifters, were banned from “Average Broz’s Gymnasium” (Las Vegas, Nevada). They tested positive for forbidden medicines. Steroids were not the medicines taken by these athletes. They used non-steroidal products that are also prohibited under Code of the WADA.
Mendes tested positive for prohibited drugs in February 2012 before the United States Olympic Team Trials for Weightlifting defined who would represent the US at the 2012 Summer Olympics. The sportsman tested for HGH; as a result, he was sentenced to a ban.
Joshua Gilbert tested positive for the diuretic preparation furosemide at the 2012 National Weightlifting Championships. It was in March 2012.
Furosemide is a medicine which is used by those that apply steroids in order to hide steroid use. Furthermore, this medication helps sportspersons to lose weight in order to meet criteria of certain weight classes.  Weightlifting, boxing and wrestling are sports where athletes are divided to certain weight groups.
HGH and furosemide are medications that are forbidden by the International Weightlifting Federation (IWF). The anti-doping system of the IWF meets criteria of the WADA Code.
Mendes and Gilbert were trained by John Broz. Broz lived and trained with the famous Bulgarian weightlifter Antonio Krastev during his career. Krastev broke a world record snatch of 216 kg in 1987. John Broz studied the Bulgarian system of trainings and brought some methods to America. He established own training gym in Las Vegas.
Mendes was suspended for 2 years. As for Gilbert, he was sentenced to 3-year suspension.
The suspensions of these athletes are failure for “Average Broz’s Gym”. Thus, the greatest weightlifters were not allowed to represent their native country at the 2012 London Olympics.

вторник, 7 августа 2012 г.

Boxer Larry Olubamiwo used 13 banned drugs for 6 years without having been caught

The heavyweight boxer Larry “War Machine” Olubamiwo applied certain anabolic steroids, HGH, IGF-1 and other doping products during 6 years. Although some tests have been conducted earlier, he was caught just in January 2012. After a fight against Sam Sexton Larry Olubamiwo tested positive for prohibited preparations. Metabolites of steroids were not discovered in his sample. The boxer tested positive for EPO. EPO is a blood boosting medicine.
Long-term application of prohibited preparations by Olubamiwo was a real embarrassment for the United Kingdom Anti-Doping. Andy Parkinson, the CEO of the UKAD, tried to prove that the suspension of Olubamiwo for application of 13 different forbidden medications is a real success of the UKAD in the struggle against doping.  
Andy Parkinson confirmed that it was an unusual case. The boxer applied steroids and other related medicines for long period of time without fear to spoil his health, career and reputation. He was sentenced to 4-year ban.
But the alarming fact is following: Olumamiwo could avoid detection for long time, despites essential efforts of anti-doping officers to “clean” sports from application of doping drugs.
Olubamiwo was caught only because the UKAD was informed by the United States Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) that he became the target of an investigation related to illicit sale of anabolic steroids and other doping drugs in the US. Then the UKAD conducted a test that resulted in positive results for EPO.
Robert Smith, the General Secretary for the British Boxing Board of Control, supported the statements of Andy Parkinson about efforts and success of anti-doping agencies. He noted that the case displayed that cheating couldn’t be hidden.
What is your point of view about the case? Do positives for EPO and the ban of Olubamiwo demonstrate that anti-doping officers work successfully? Or does the case demonstrate that anti-doping policy is not proper?
Every person may make own conclusion. But it is clear that the boxer could administer different banned medicines for 6 years without being detected by anti-doping officers.

Linda McMahon put efforts to get rid of steroid scandals that took part in WWE

Linda McMahon puts great efforts in order to convince others that she is a politician that deserves to be trusted. She tried to get rid of steroid associations which have spoiled the reputation of the World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) throughout numerous years. Of course, her opponents ever utilized possibilities to notice about great problems linked with administration of steroids in the WWE.
It is ever noted that Linda McMahon is the former President and CEO of the WWE. The WWE was founded by her and her husband Vince McMahon in 1990. Almost 60% of the traded stock of the WWE belongs to them. They received great profits due to the WWE Empire. One billion dollars was got by the McMahons due to the business connected with the WWE. Mrs. McMahon ended her tenure of the WWE in 2009 and began her political career. She joined the Republican Party seeking a Senatorial Seat for the State of Connecticut.  The politician wasted circa 50 million dollars on the campaign. But it was unsuccessful. She lost to the Democratic Party. Now Linda McMahan is seeking the Republican nomination to replace Joe Lieberman, another retiring Senator for Connecticut’s State.
Since Linda McMahon got involved in politics, numerous persons began to criticize her for usage of steroids in the WWE.
 A newspaper claims that McMahon loves to note that she has created several jobs but she doesn’t answers questions about the jobs. An article claims that the CEO of the WWE makes fun of feebleminded men that humble women and promotes administration of steroids.
The WWE responded quickly to these affirmations. The Senior Vice President of Marketing and Communications for WWE Brian Flinn has confirmed that the WWE cares about health of wrestlers and random drug testing displays that the WWE is against steroid use. At least 4 random tests are conducted per year for each wrestler. Those that test positive for forbidden medicines are sentenced to suspensions. So, the WWE prohibits steroid use. Furthermore, Brian Flinn has noted that the WWE has one of the most skillful wellness systems in sports and entertainment.

понедельник, 6 августа 2012 г.

Victor Conte criticizes anti-doping system

Recently Victor Conte, the founder of BALCO, shared his thoughts about testing of anti-doping agencies and the current state of doping among athletes.
Victor Conte has confirmed that it is unlikely that the 2012 Summer Olympics would be free from administration of steroids and other prohibited preparations. The founder of BALCO confirmed in an interview that Olympic anti-doping testing system had different defects. So, consumers of steroids were also chosen to compete at the 2012 Olympics.
The founder of BALCO doesn’t believe that administration of banned preparations has diminished. He doesn’t agree with individuals who claim that reduced performance in various sports is a proof that steroids and other banned preparations are almost excluded from sports.
Conte affirms that steroids are widely used now too. Efforts of anti-doping agencies led to adoption of sportspersons. So, sportspersons don’t utilize as increased measures as have been administered before.  Nonetheless, administration of steroids and other doping products remains to be a concern.
The founder of BALCO is sure that sportspersons don’t take such designer steroids, as THG. Instead of taking such products, sportspersons administer the steroid testosterone which is believed to be the grandfather of all steroids.  Victor Conte adds that since testosterone is fast-acting and it comes in form of creams, gels, patches and injections, it is widely used by athletes. Moreover, not too high quantities of testosterone are required in order to obtain great effects. This steroid is widespread among players of Major League Baseball.
Victor Conte criticizes anti-doping policy. He notes that anti-doping agencies have significant ambiguities. Even a truck can go through loopholes which are in doping rules, according to the founder of BALCO.

Steroid scandal in Singapore Bodybuilding & Fitness Foundation

Reporters are used to exaggerate any situation linked with steroids in sports and bodybuilding. Many facts are presented in misleading ways. Thus, steroid scandals appear without any basis. A case is presented below.
Rano Izhar, the president of the Singapore Bodybuilding and Fitness Federation (SBFF), has acknowledged that he shared recommendations linked with usage of anabolic steroids.
Any individual that belongs to the world of bodybuilding knows that steroids, HGH and several other related drugs are widely spread and taken by bodybuilders. Some news websites have written many articles, presenting the actions of the SBFF president as a steroid scandal. But be careful! He has not distributed anabolic steroids, he has only disseminated information.
“The New Paper”, a Singapore’s English-language newspaper, got emails between a bodybuilder and the president of the SBFF which were written before Izhar was chosen to be the president. Izhar provided indications connected with steroids cycles to the bodybuilder. The cycles were composed of 14 different drugs, including such steroids, as Anadrol 50, Dianabol, Primobolan Depot, etc. Clomid was also recommended.
Izhar confirmed that the recommendations were just for his friend that was an amateur bodybuilder. Furthermore, Izhar was not the president of the SBFF, when he provided the recommendations.
Izhar’s friend was going to utilize steroids. He decided to do it. Izhar didn’t promote it. He just wanted to help his friend. He wished he applied steroids in the safest way.
Izhar acknowledged that he had provided instructions linked with steroid cycles. He claimed that he needed to tell his friend which preparations were efficient and which products didn’t work properly. He added that when anyone asked him about ways to use steroids, it meant that they would use them, regardless of the answer. So, the president just felt that he had to note at least the most important aspects that should be known about steroids.
Izhar has gotten the degree of Doctor in “lifestyle medicine” at the Harvard Medical School. He realized that he had to do everything he could for harm reduction for those that apply steroids and other related medications.

четверг, 2 августа 2012 г.

Two young men from Poland were arrested for illegal manufacture and sale of steroids

Everyone must have observed that the US put efforts to bust international companies that advertise steroids on internet and send them to clients around the world.
Recently the US Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) has co-worked with Poland’s police officers in order to catch persons that have been suspected in shipment of steroids and other related preparations to various countries of the world.
This investigation started approximately one year ago. The polish Border Guard Straz Graniczna intercepted large doses of steroids that were shipped to clients in the US and Canada. Steroids in form of injections and pills were confiscated at the Warsaw mail terminal.
Straz Graniczna collaborated with US DEA. Ultimately 2 young persons from Poland were arrested. One of them was detained, after he left the post office. Over 7, 000 steroid pills and 19, 000 steroid vials and 47, 000 Polish zloty or over 14, 000 US dollars were found in this man’s car. But it was only the beginning of seizures.
It was defined that an apartment located in Warsaw was a base of the underground lab that manufactured steroids which are ordinarily administered by American bodybuilders. When police officers raided the apartment, they found drug paraphernalia there. The apartment was utilized not only for manufacture of steroids but also for storage of prepared steroids. About 666, 000 steroid tablets, 19, 000 vials of steroids and over 5, 000 steroid ampoules were confiscated during the search. The preparations were estimated. The cost was claimed to be 6 million Polish zloty or 1, 8 million US dollars.
It is suggested that the US will ask Poland to extradite these two individuals.
The USA is aggressive, when it comes to war on steroids. Multinational steroid companies are busted.
But the US doesn’t have significant success working with Europe and Asia. The US presses other countries to arrest and extradite steroid dealers.
Distributors of steroids that were related to British Dragon and Musclebear were arrested and extradited to the US from Thailand and Cyprus.
The US pressed Austria to arrest the steroid dealer Mihael Karner. So, he was arrested. Then the USA pressed Austrian authorities to extradite this individual to the US. But feds didn’t have success that time. Mihael Karner paid one million Euros to Austrian authorities to prevent the extradition and reach his home country Slovenia.

Associated Press and New York Daily News interviewed Roger Clemens jurors

Names of twelve individuals (4 men and 8 women) that composed jury at the case against Roger Clemens were released by the judge Reggie Walton.
The government wanted the jury to be convinced that Roger Clemens had lied before the Congress about usage of steroids and HGH. But since the jury acquitted Roger Clemens, the government criticized the individuals who served as the jury. Several persons that served as the jury were interviewed.
A political activist, an art historian, a teacher of deaf kids, an official of Treasury Department and an employee of the Canadian Embassy were included in the jury.
The political activist Joyce Robinson-Paul was interviewed by the New York Daily News some days after Roger Clemens was cleared of the charges. She confirmed that the jurors understood that they had to be fair to both the government and the baseball player. But they didn’t find anything that had to be prosecuted.  Later she also noticed that the federal prosecutors were not capable to prove their affirmations.
The employee of the Canadian Embassy Bradford Weaver stated that the government acted wrongly. This person noticed that such situations should not occur again. He also noted that there was nothing to be prosecuted. He was interviewed by the Associated Press. He also pointed out that each juror was convinced from the very beginning that Roger Clemens was not guilty of any charge. Weaver claimed that each juror was unanimous.
Bradford Weaver was also asked whether he considered that Roger Clemens really administered steroids. The Associated Press also asked him whether he thought that the governmental case against the athlete represented just the waste of taxpayers’ funds. But he didn’t answer the questions.
Another juror who chose not to be named noticed that the jurors were wondering how the government could spend huge sums of money during 5 years in order to prosecute the baseball player. This person confirmed that it was impossible to understand why the prosecution took place 5 years.
Other jurors didn’t present any information.
As for federal prosecutors, they seemed to be totally disappointed. They refused to respond to the affirmations presented by the jurors.