Steroids are often related with disgrace, fail and unsuccessfulness in world of sports nowadays. Why is it so? A lot of well-known athletes and teams who received gold medals in various worldwide competitions were stripped of their medals, praise and went away ashamed from the Hall of Fame after they had been tested positive for steroids. So, steroids are responsible for their dishonor and fail.
A lot of sports leagues crush or are destined to fail. Unfortunately, they understand this aspect very late, when there is no any chance to avoid these unpleasant consequences. For example, Ben Johnson realized it 1988 Summer Olympics; Festina league realized it, when it was excluded from participation in join Tour de France due to steroids that were found in their team car. So, it is possible to mention that almost all sports scandals happen due to taking of these products.
We know quite well about steroids intake by athletes in recent years. Have you never thought whether these products are new remedies or not? Let see what history confirms. According to ancient history, the Greeks were the first who used different ways in order to be the best and to win medals. One of ancient legends says about an ex-runner Dromeus of Stymphalos that lived in 5th century B. C. He utilized certain compounds that were similar to steroids. As a result, Dromeus of Stymphalos won the competition due to his proper diet. Today it is known that in case a person combine vitamins B and Creatine in his diet, his muscles will increase quivkly and he will have got more energy.
It is also said that eating testicles of sheep and goat gives strength. It is considered that meat which have a lot of protein, cheese and dairy products provide extra strength that is required in sports. For example, Lasse Viren of Finland won a competition in 1980s due to a proper diet that included reindeer milk. All these cases confirm that steroids have a long history which lasts more than 2000 years. Could you imagine it?
It is important to mention that knowledge about adverse results of steroids is not new one. Earlier people knew about adverse consequences which may be caused by administration of steroids. You may observe that there are many discussions about taking of steroids and products in general. Why is it possible to challenge medications? It is well-known by every person that all preparations may provoke unwanted symptoms. Today unwanted consequences of preparations are widely discussed. Furthermore, undesirable results are more discussed than benefits that may be received by using preparations.
As for steroids, they are considered to be artificial hormones which have common features with testosterone. You can utilize these remedies in different forms: tablets, powder or liquid for injections. These preparations are able to enhance muscle size, give strength, power, endurance and good coordination. That’s why steroids are widely utilized by people including professional sportsmen.
In case steroids are recommended by qualified prepscribers and are administrated in a proper way, they may benefit a lot. In case users combine steroids use with a good diet and trainings, they will wonder of the benefits produced by these remedies.
But it is necessary to be too careful administrating steroids. As it was noticed above, steroids may lead to negative consequences.One of dangerous aspects is a process of masculinization. Since these medicines lead to creation of certain hormones and suppression of others, there is a risk of the transformation females to males that is accompanied by deepening of voice, growth of body hair, increased size of clitoris. As for men, they also can suffer of adverse results of these medicines. They can be following: frequent urination, enhanced sensitiveness and enlargement of breast and frequent erection. Some other negative consequences which can occur quite frequently are listed below:
- liver diseases;
- stomach diseases,
- aggressiveness;
- depression;
- fatigue.
You should also understand that in case steroids are combined with other improper drugs, they may cause serious unwanted symptoms.
So, you have got knowledge about some benefits and negative effects of steroids. You have to decide for you whether it is good for you to take these medicines or not. Nobody may decide for you. The choice henges only upon you.
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