Buy Steroids Online

пятница, 29 марта 2013 г.

Tony Thompson provides arguments pro legalization of doping

Anabolic steroids are widely administered around the world. While several individuals use these medications in order to treat several illnesses, others apply them in order to induce increasing muscle mass, add energy, decrease fat deposits, etc. Of course, no one will be ever capable to contest positive effects which can be reached with the help of these medicines. But it is necessary to take into account that steroids cause adverse consequences along with benefits. That’s why those that plan to use these products should study possible dangers before they begin to use these preparations.
Knowing about potential risks, you can find certain methods in order to avoid or decrease them. Those who have ever taken steroids know that some of them convert into estrogen in the body, causing such undesirable reactions, as fluid retention, gynecomastia, fat accumulation, etc. Anti-estrogen products can prevent or at least to reduce severity of these health problems. Anabolic-androgenic steroids also suppress natural production of testosterone. Fortunately, there are some remedies which are capable to restore this process.
Besides of products, there are also other ways to avoid or reduce negative reactions. Dosages should be reduced; cycles must not be long; proper stacks should be chosen, etc.
While several unwanted results of steroids are evident, others can be detected just with the help of lab tests. So, steroids may enhance hematrocrit levels. This undesirable reaction is quite dangerous. Elevated hematocrit levels cause other severe unwanted reactions. Individuals with this problem may face illnesses of cardiovascular system and disorders linked with blood circulation. Even heart attack and death may result from high hematocrit levels. That’s why it is necessary to check hematocrit levels while applying anabolic-androgenic steroids.
If a steroid user finds out that he/she has elevated hematocrit levels, this individual should consult his/her treating doctor. Administration of steroids must be discontinued. Physicians prescribe preparations for reduction of hematocrit levels. Thus, hematocrit levels should return to their normal levels. Otherwise, further complications will occur.
Hematocrit levels should be kept within normal range. There are certain simple rules that should be kept by sportspersons for this purpose. Those who train intensively should drink much water. Furthermore, it is recommended consuming grapefruit. It is stated that this fruit contains a substance which is able to reduce elevated hematocrit levels.
In case you want to avoid having elevated hematocrit levels, don’t use steroids!

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