Every baseball fan knows that Roger Clemens is charged with obstruction of justice. It is believed that he has lied before Congress about intake of steroids and HGH.
Rusty Hardin pointed out that Roger Clemens’ muscularity didn’t change greatly before, during and after his working with the coach Brian McNamee. He confirmed that this aspect proved that Roger Clemens hadn’t administered steroids and other performance-enhancing drugs.
Appearance of muscles is commonly utilized by prosecutors as proof that an athlete uses steroids or/and other related medicines. But this tendency was not used during the case against Roger Clemens. Nobody could affirm that Roger Clemens’ muscles manifested that he had used steroids and HGH. It is a difference between the cases against Roger Clemens and Barry Bonds.
As for the governmental case against Barry Bonds, federal prosecutors called many individuals in the trial that were able to testify that anabolic steroids led to substantial changes in physique of this sportsperson. They confirmed that usage of steroids led to increase of muscle size, increased size of the head and testicular shrinkage in Barry Bonds.
Thus, Rusty Hardin presented four pictures of Roger Clemens. The photos displayed physique of Roger Clemens, including the period of time when Clemens was working with Brian McNamee. Hardin pointed out that the pictures displayed that there were no changes in physical appearance that could manifest that he used steroids and HGH.
Rusty Hardin noticed that the pictures displayed only the process of ageing. The masseur Cheryl Redfern also confirmed that she didn’t observe any changes in physique of Roger Clemens. Roger Clemens had neither back acne, nor gynecomastia, nor dramatically enhanced muscles.
Phil Garner a former Major League Baseball player also confirmed that there were not any substantial changes in physical appearance and performance of Roger Clemens during working with the trainer Brian McNamee.
The Assistant US Attorney Steve Durham put efforts to discredit the affirmation about lack of changes in Roger Clemens’ physical appearance during the cross-examination of Garner. He claimed that while certain steroids enhanced muscle size, others didn’t induce getting muscles. So, he claimed that the photos could display nothing about steroid use.
Feds want to take advantages in both cases: in the case against Roger Clemens and in that against Barry Bonds. While they affirm that changes in physical appearance of Barry Bonds display that he has utilized steroids, lack of physical changes in Roger Clemens doesn’t prove that he hasn’t applied steroids.
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