NFL players mistrust methods used by the WADA. Why did the mistrust appear? Let try to find out the reason.
The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) intends to test players of the National Football League for HGH. Althogh the NFL Players’ Association has agreed, several skeptic thoughts related to the grade of trustworthiness of blood test for HGH were expressed. This test is going to be just a part of the testing for anabolic steroids and other performance-enhancing substances.
Some specialists who are not involved in the WADA activity directly are skeptic to the methods applied by this agency. They support the skepticism of the NFL players.
Matt Chaney, a chief chronicler of administration of steroids in American football, confirms that players of the NFL mistrust the WADA anti-doping tests not without any reason. Skepticism of the players is justified by Matt Chaney.
Don Catlin, the director of Anti-Doping Research, confirms that methods of the WADA for detection of HGH must be transparent. The WADA utilizes the HGH isoform ratio test introduced by Christian Strasburger.
It is important to notice that according to certain specialists, the method of this test is not proved scientifically. It is not trustworthy. The Director of Anti-Doping Research claims that this test is not good for detection of HGH at all.
There is another test that can be utilized by the WADA to catch sportsmen that use HGH. Sonksen introduced a certain HGH testing method which is based on physiological biomarkers. But the WADA doesn’t utilize this method to catch users of HGH.
According to Sonksen, workers of the WADA are not specialists in this area. That’s why they do not understand the priority of one method over the other. But as it was proved by scientists, the HGH biomarker test is more useful than HGH isoform test.
Although specialists confirm about difference between these two tests, the WADA doesn’t desire to to utilize the HGH biomarker test.
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