Winstrol (Stanozolol) is a widespread anabolic medication. This drug is taken for athletic purposes during cutting cycles. There are a lot of negative reviews about this medicine. These experiences were reported by those professional sportsmen that abused Winstrol or were tested positive for this medicine. It is known about Ben Johnson. This sportsman took part in the 1988 Summer Olympics. He broke records in the 100 meters sprint. But after he had tested positive for Winstrol, he forfeited the gold medal he had got.
Since Stanozolol is a 17th alpha-akylated substance, this preparation may be utilized orally because of its capacity to pass through liver and not to be destroyed. This medicine can be administrated injectionally too. The dose that must be used doesn’t henge upon method of utilizing. When you utilize Stanozolol by mouth, its effect’s duration is equal to the effect which you get, in case you use Stanozolol injectionally.
You may ask: “Which is the best method of using this drug?” There is no any common recommendation, in case you do not utilize this medicine long period of time. Both oral and injectable methods have certain advantages and disadvantages. Every user can choose the way to administrate this medicine. Let analyze main advantages and disadvantages of these way of taking this medicine. Nobody doubts that the simplest and painless way is to utilize drugs orally. But you must understand that in this case the medicine passes through your liver. It can have negative influence on this organ. If you administrate this medicine injectionally, it can be easier on your liver. But this form of administration requires more efforts and may lead to such unpleasant consequences, as abscesses and lumps.
If you use this medicine during long period of time, it is better to use it injectioanlly in order to prevent liver diseases.
Now, let analyze mechanism of action of this medication. It is known that it binds with androgen receptor. It stimulates protein synthesis; thus, it induces muscle gain. One of priorities of this drug over ceratin others is its capacity to block water retention. Stanozolol is considered to be a good product for cutting cycles because this drug increases muscle hardness very successfully and obviously. Moreover, this preparation is as well recommended in order to increase energy, to induce creation of red blood cells and to increase stamina.
It is very important to mention that Stanozolol doesn’t easily convert to estrogen as many steroids do. That’s why this medication doesn’t cause such undesirable estrogenic results, as gynecomastia , male patterns baldness for male, increased hair growth on face and body, menstrual dysfunctions and deepening of the voice of women.
Since this medicine reduces water retention, it is often taken in combination with other medications which are used for muscle gain. It is known that Winstrol is combined with Deca, Testosterone and Trenbolone in order to receive higher results and avoid estrogenic reactions of certain products.
Winstrol is purchasable in both oral and injectable forms online.
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