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среда, 26 сентября 2012 г.

California legislators: anti-doping agencies violate rights of athletes

Legislators of California state that anti-doping agencies violate fundamental constitutional rights of sportspersons suspected of doping. So, sportspersons that have never tested positive for any prohibited substances become targets of investigations. That’s why the legislators asked Congress to review this issue.
It is known that the USADA is sponsored chiefly by taxpayers. The Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP) gives 10 million dollars each year. This governmental office induces fighting against administration of prohibited substances. Its goal is to exterminate illegal manufacture and drug use, crimes connected with usage of illegal products, etc.
The request of California lawmakers was initiated soon after the celebrated cyclist Lance Armstrong decided not to appeal his lifetime ban from professional sports.
Everybody knows that the former cyclist Lance Armstrong has lost his 7 titles acquired at Tour de France. He was also banned from competitions entirely.
In June Lance Armstrong filed a lawsuit against the USADA, affirming that his constitutional rights were violated. But the judge Sam Sparks didn’t agree to accept the lawsuit. He claimed that the USADA acted properly. Sam Sparks also noticed that the USADA was established in order to clean sports from athletes who take forbidden products.
California Senator Michael Rubio noticed that the judge didn’t act appropriately, refusing to accept the lawsuit against the USADA. Thus, the senators stated that the USADA violated rights of several athletes. That’s why they asked the Congress to review the issue.

Barry Bonds understands what it means to be targeted by anti-doping officers

Barry Bonds knows what an athlete experiences, if he/she is pursued by feds and anti-doping agencies. He understands what this person feels. That’s why the former professional baseball player can sympathize and support sportspeople accused of doping. Thus, Barry Bonds supports the former cyclist Lance Armstrong.
During an interview a journalist asked Barry Bonds about troubles of Lance Armstrong linked with doping accusations. The former baseball player expressed his admiration towards the seven-time Tour de France winner. He stated that Lance Armstrong was the greatest cyclist that has ever been in the sport of cycling.
Of course, Barry Bonds realizes what he says. He understands what it means to be a good cyclist. After this sportsperson retired from baseball, he became a cyclist. He participated in certain competitions successfully. Being a cyclist, the former baseball player sees that this sport has the same troubles like baseball. He understands that cyclists are targeted by federal prosecutors and anti-doping officials like professional baseball players.
Both Lance Armstrong and Barry Bonds were suspected of doping. They were prosecuted by federal prosecutors and anti-doping officers.
Feds accused Barry Bonds of lying about usage of prohibited substances and obstruction of justice. They couldn’t prove that the athlete lied about intake of prohibited drugs. But feds claimed that he was guilty of obstructing justice. Barry Bonds decided to appeal the decision of the court.
When it comes to Lance Armstrong, the government dropped the case against him. But the USADA continued to prosecute the cyclist. The USADA claimed that Lance Armstrong had been administering prohibited products throughout his cycling career. The cyclist decided to stop fighting against accusations of the anti-doping agency. He forfeited his Tour de France titles and money he had received at these events.
Although Lance Armstrong forfeited his titles, Americans continue to respect him. They claim that he is the most brilliant cyclist of all times. Lance Armstrong’s sponsors haven’t refused to support his cancer charity. The former cyclist helps people to combat cancer. Thus, many persons are thankful. They will never forget what Lance Armstrong has done for them.
Barry Bonds’ reputation has been destructed by suspicions related to intake of forbidden drugs. The former baseball player hopes that his achievements during the baseball career are more significant than the suspicions. He believes that people will forget about the suspicions and he will be considered to be a baseball star.

пятница, 21 сентября 2012 г.

Why was Nadezya Ostapchuk sentenced just to one-year suspension?

The Belarusian shot putter Nadezya Ostapchuk received the gold medal at the 2012 Summer Olympics. But she failed a drug test. As a result, she forfeited the medal that was given to Valeria Adams of New Zealand.
Two tests manifested that a steroid’s metabolites presented in her urine samples.
If an athlete is caught applying any prohibited medicines, he/she is usually sentenced to a suspension of two years. When it comes to this Belarusian shot putter, she received one-year ban. Why was the sentence lighter? There were several circumstances that proved the following condition: the shop putter didn’t take any forbidden product knowingly.
At the beginning the shot putter blamed his former coach. She confirmed that he had sabotaged her sample.
The Belarusian National Anti-Doping Agency examined this case. The International Association of Athletic Federation also participated in the investigation. It was defined that Yefimov was guilty. This person put powder of methenolone into food of the Belarusian shot putter during the last week before the 2012 London Olympics. The coach affirmed that he had worried about Nadezya Ostapchuk. He thought that this steroid would help to win.
Actually, it is difficult to determine why Yefimov has done it. He only made the things worse.
Anti-doping agencies accepted these statements. That’s why Nadezya Ostapchuk received just one-year ban.
As for supporters of Valeria Adams, they didn’t believe that Nadezya Ostapchuk had not taken the steroid intentionally. They claimed that Yefimov just tried to protect Nadezya Ostapchuk. They confirmed that Nadezya Ostapchuk had taken steroids under recommendations of her coach.
If Nadezya Ostapchuk’s performance was amazing certain months before the 2012 Olympics, her coach had to be sure that she would win. Why did he trouble about?

Government asks about size of testicles of certain athletes

Some athletes that are suspected of steroid use become targets of the government. Federal prosecutors do almost everything in order to determine whether several sportspersons have used any doping products. They don’t spare taxpayers’ funds for this goal. Much money is spent to learn even private life of sportspeople. According to the government, some details of their private behavior can disclose the truth about usage of banned medicines. Thus, girlfriends of some athletes are interviewed by federal prosecutors.
For example, it has been reported that former girlfriends of Lance Armstrong and Roger Clemens and a former mistress of Barry Bonds have been asked about several aspects related to private life of these sportspersons. Which questions were asked?
Kimberly Bell, a former mistress of Barry Bonds, was asked about size of testicles of this athlete. She reported that the baseball player’s testicles were shrunken. Thus, her words served as an argument that Barry Bonds took steroids and/or other forbidden products.
It is known that testicular atrophy belongs to side reactions of several steroids. So, the government decided to learn whether Barry Bonds had had this trouble. But it is an unreliable argument in order to prove that anyone has used some prohibited medications. Steroid users may prevent this negative reaction, if they apply some drugs for this need.
Mindy McCready, a former mistress of Roger Clemens, was asked whether this former baseball player had suffered from erectile dysfunctions. The singer noted that sometimes Roger Clemens had experienced this problem.
As for erectile dysfunctions, they may occur during application of steroids. But if you study information about side results of steroids more attentively, you can understand that this problem is more likely to appear after discontinuation of intake. It happens because natural testosterone production is normally suppressed by application of exogenous testosterone. But since there are such remedies that can restore natural production of testosterone, erectile dysfunctions can be avoided.
Sheryl Crow, a former girlfriend of Lance Armstrong, was also targeted by federal prosecutors. But questions are not revealed. According to some suggestions, she might have been asked also about sexual abilities of the 7-time Tour de France winner.
In fact, the government has a wrong point of view in this case. Although shrunken testicles and erectile dysfunctions may appear because of steroids, these arguments are not proper.

среда, 19 сентября 2012 г.

Don Hooton: steroids are linked with certain health risks

Some medications are named “performance-enhancing drugs”. What do these medicines represent? Why have been they named “performance-enhancing”? Various persons may present different definitions. Let present what a teenager says! Before presenting her point of view it is necessary to mention that her brother, Taylor Hooton, had serious depression after usage of steroids. Finally, he committed suicide. He desired to look like Melky Cabrera, Barry Bonds and other famous athletes who have used steroids. But his life ended suddenly. His sister confirms that performance-enhancing drugs are unsafe preparations. They are called “performance-enhancing drugs” in order to lure young individuals who want to improve their appearances and performances.
Don Hooton, Taylor’s father, established a foundation to teach youth about dangers connected with steroids. He describes which dangers are associated with usage of anabolic steroids and other related preparations. He also uses slideshow presentations in order to explain that these products can cause such unwanted consequences, as diabetes, heart diseases, liver disorders, etc.
Don Hooton tries to teach young people about dangerous risks connected with intake of steroids. But he admits that it is not easy. He confirms that numerous young individuals apply doping medications. When their friends see that they become stronger and more muscular, they want to look like them. They follow their examples in order to change appearance and have more endurance.
Unluckily, several parents think that their children are free from steroid use. Some of them think that their daughters don’t use steroids because these medications are indicated to add muscles and body weight in general. But according to certain sources, girls also apply steroids. They take these medications in order to lose fat. Certain parents don’t know that anabolic steroids are also taken to burn fat. That’s why adults also should be taught about effects of steroids. Moreover, certain parents think that their children don’t apply steroids because these drugs are expensive. But it is enough to have 20-500 dollars in order to get steroids for a cycle.
It is stated that each16th high school student takes steroids. But this point of view is mistaken. Each 16th high school student admits to applying performance-enhancing drugs.   But numerous young individuals hide that they use these drugs.
Those who listen to Don Hooton’s presentations about steroids express their thanks. They are thankful that they may get knowledge about these medications.

Those that fight against steroid use are hypocrites

It is known that anabolic steroids are frequently blamed. If an athlete or a bodybuilder administers steroids and/or other doping products, he/she is considered to be a cheater. Journalists report about such individuals as about those who have destroyed their reputation. Anti-doping officials put great efforts and spend money in other to determine whether certain athletes have doped. Even the government wastes taxpayers’ funds and time in order to prove that certain sportspersons have used steroids and/or doping products. It is claimed that those that dope take unfair advantages in sports.
Many articles describe the fight against steroids. But let see whether arguments against intake of steroids are strong enough to prove that it is disgraceful to use them.
It is claimed that steroid-using sportspersons serve as a bad example for children and young people. It is known that youth sees a lot of sports stars that apply steroids and other related medicines. As a result, young persons want to look and be as strong, as these prominent sports figures.  Moreover, it is widely disputed about health risks linked with steroids. But if you are attentive, you can see that these arguments are weak because hypocrisy reigns here.
Let examine the most frequently used arguments against application of anabolic steroids and/or other related products.
According to the first argument, intake of steroids is closely associated with some probable health dangers. Numerous articles warn about shrinkage of testicles and enlarged heart that may occur on account of steroid use. However it may be true, let analyze our life. We consume unhealthy food, however we know that it destroys our health. Some individuals take antidepressants that are also quite dangerous. We do also other unhealthy things.
According to another argument against steroids, steroid-using sportspersons take unfair advantages in competitions. They win because they enhance performance with these medications. Let see what happens in other areas, for example, in the world of entertainment.  Numerous actors and actresses improve their appearances and performances in order to play several roles in movies. They also have unfair advantages over others with the help of several surgeries and other things. But they are not sentenced to suspensions.
While it is confirmed that steroid-using athletes send bad messages to young persons who desire to look like them and follow their examples, nobody notes about the bad example of actors and actresses. Young girls also desire to look like those they see in magazines.
While feds pursue athletes who administer steroids, they have nothing to do with actors and actresses that act like steroid-using athletes.
It is clear that arguments against administration of steroids are quite weak. They show hypocrisy that reigns in our counterfeit world.

понедельник, 17 сентября 2012 г.

Usage of metenolone by athletes

The Belarusian shot putter Nadzeya Ostapchuk won the gold medal at the 2012 Summer Olympics. But the female athlete was stripped of the award because she failed a drug test. She provided two samples. The substance metenolone presented in both urine samples.
If you read news linked with doping, you must know that competitive athletes and bodybuilders are usually caught using other steroids and/or performance-enhancing drugs. But as for Nadzeya Ostapchuk, she was caught taking metenolone. It is strange, according to affirmations of anti-doping officers. What does this prohibited medication represent? Why don’t sportspersons ordinarily take this medication for increase of performance?
Metenolone is an anabolic steroid. It has weak androgenic properties. It works like testosterone, increasing muscle mass and adding endurance.
However this preparation has just mild androgenic nature, it causes development of sex male features in females. Females who use this medicine may face common effects of masculinization: the voice becomes deeper; hair grows on the face and on other parts of the body; etc.
This steroid may be taken orally or injectionally.
Metenolone (Methenolone) benefits greatly, when it is applied by sportspersons during their workouts. It is not administered during competitions. It doesn’t work, if it is applied only on the day of a competition.
It is also confirmed that it is easy to catch those who take this anabolic steroid.
Adverse results of Metenolone (Methenolone) hinge upon doses which are administered. They include water retention, hypercalcaemia, bone growth, excessive hair growth on the body, acne formation, hair loss, menstrual abnormalities, enhanced sex drive, etc.
So, if you see a female athlete who has deep voice and excessive hair growth on the body, you may accuse her of steroid use. Actually, it is wrong because these problems may appear also in those females that don’t take any steroids. But sometimes these signs demonstrate that certain women apply preparations that possess androgenic features.

Australian physician was charged with abuse of position

Some doctors abuse their position, recommending medications that don’t correspond to medical needs of patients. Why do they do it? It is known that some medicines are considered to be prescription medications. It means that you can’t get them legally, if you don’t have any prescription from your treating physician. Anabolic steroids belong to such drugs. It is illegal to purchase steroids without a prescription in some countries. Those that do it may be punished. They may be sentenced to imprisonment and/or fines. Undoubtedly, many people seek ways to buy and use these products without having legal troubles.
Anabolic steroids are widely abused. Many sportspersons and bodybuilders administer these drugs not for medical purposes but for performance-enhancing effects. If they live in countries where these products can’t be obtained legally without prescriptions, they find some ways to mask their illicit purchase and application. Athletes, bodybuilders and even ordinary people ask their doctors to prescribe them these medications, as if they had therapeutic needs to apply them. So, some doctors promote selling anabolic steroids to those that abuse them. Here is a case.
Peter Grant, an Australian doctor, prescribed steroids to 14 persons during 9 years. Medical state of these patients didn’t require usage of these medications. Thus, the health care provider was accused of improper practicing medicine. For example, he recommended to a patient using such preparations, as Halotestin, Sustanon, Andriol Testocaps, Deca Durabolin, Scitropin and Proviron. But there was no any medical basis to prescribe these drugs to this individual. Furthermore, these products were prescribed him during 9 years.
The doctor Peter Grant acknowledged that some patients were competing. Thus, he prescribed them steroids. He also admitted to studying scientific information about anabolic steroids. He confirmed that he knew how steroids worked. Thus, he supervised the patients who took anabolic steroids.
Taking these factors in consideration, it is possible to claim that the health care provider Peter Grant was better known by those that took steroids for performance-enhancing effects than by those who had to be cured from certain diseases. Peter Grant claimed that he knew that steroids were purchased by his patients only for personal application.
When the doctor appeared in the court, the judge affirmed that the doctor promoted selling steroids. The judge noticed that Peter Grant had to be punished properly. Peter Grant was suspended from practicing medicine for 12 months. Moreover, the judge stated that he would be disciplined during the next 2 years.

вторник, 11 сентября 2012 г.

Sheryl Crow had to be questioned on case linked with Lance Armstrong

Lance Armstrong was accused of doping. It was suspected that the athlete had taken EPO and other forbidden products.
A lot of individuals provided their testimonies in the court during the investigation connected with Lance Armstrong’s case. A former girlfriend of the athlete was also targeted. She was scheduled to appear in the court. Several sports writers reported that the musician Sheryl Crow had been interviewed by feds.
The athlete Lance Armstrong and the musician Sheryl Crow were considered to be one of the most celebrated couples. They spent a lot of time together. The musician lived with the seven-time winner of Tour de France in Spain. The musician travelled with the cyclist during his trainings. They were engaged, when Lance Armstrong won Tour de France the 7th time.
Lance Armstrong’s former teammates Floyd Landis and Tyler Hamilton affirmed that Lance Armstrong had administered banned drugs. They also declared that the cyclist had been the leader of a doping team. Furthermore, they noticed that Armstrong’s apartment had been full of equipment utilized for application of forbidden drugs. These persons were going to testify against the 7-time winner of tour de France. They claimed that Lance Armstrong had won Tour de France 7 times because of controlled substances.
When it comes to the musician Sheryl Crow, she didn’t appear in the court because the case against the cyclist was dropped before the hearing.
While the government dropped the case, the USADA continued to prosecute the former cyclist. As a result, Lance Armstrong forfeited his titles. He was also sentenced to life-time suspension. Fortunately, his charity against cancer was not destroyed. Sponsors continue to support him and donate. Although his titles are stripped, Lance Armstrong is appreciated because he helps many people that fight against cancer.

ESPN2 journalist: Derek Jeter takes prohibited medications

The sports journalist Skip Bayless accuses Derek Jeter, a baseball star, of steroid use. He has expressed his thoughts of criticism during the talk show “First take”.
In fact, the ESPN2 journalist doesn’t have any evidence in order to suppose that Derek Jeter administers banned medicines. Despites this fact, the affirmations of the journalist have been spread. Before accusing Derek Jeter of doping, the journalist started to criticize anti-doping system of the MLB. He stated that the MLB’s tests for prohibited preparations are not advanced enough to detect those that apply banned products.
The sports journalist Skip Bayless reminded Victor Conte’s opinion linked with testosterone:epitestosterone ratio test that is utilized in the MLB. This method is not good enough to detect those who take banned products. Instead of this method, it is needed to utilize another. Carbon isotope ratio is more appropriate.
The sports journalist Skip Bayless also confirmed that the MLB didn’t have any testing for HGH. The test for this medicine is performed in the MLB just once per year. But blood tests for this medicine should be performed more times during year. Under other circumstances, players may use this medicine and avoid detection.
Thus, the sports journalist thinks that Derek Jeter applies HGH and banned preparations. Skip Bayless also confirms that if he were a baseball player, he would choose HGH.
Thus, the ESPN2 journalist supposes that MLB players apply HGH and probably other banned medicines without being detected by the anti-doping system.
It is quite obvious that the steroid era in baseball is not over. Professional baseball players take different banned medications and avoid detection. But nobody can accuse an athlete of doping, basing just on unsophisticated drug testing. It is important to focus on facts, accusing a person of application of prohibited preparations. Under other circumstances, any suspicion doesn’t have any value.

понедельник, 10 сентября 2012 г.

Nonexistent product was blamed by Melky Cabrera for his positives

It happens often that when athletes test positive for any banned medications, they try to prove that they have never used any banned drug intentionally. They are looking for various ways to manifest that they are not guilty. They do a lot in order to escape from suspensions and/or other sanctions. Here is a case.
The professional baseball player Melky Cabrera tested positive for testosterone. Of course, he was sentenced to a 50-game suspension. Like other sportspersons he decided to find a way to prove his innocence and avoid the suspension.
Many doping sportspersons who are caught claim that they have used a dietary supplement that resulted in positive for certain banned substance. However several athletes may have used fake dietary supplements, numerous sportspersons use steroids and choose this way of defense because it works in many situations.
Thus, Melky Cabrera claimed that he had administered a dietary supplement that caused his positive for testosterone. Actually, it was a lie. Trying to prevent the 50-game suspension, he also created a web site and posted a fictitious product and advertisements which promoted selling it. The supplement didn’t exist in reality. It was just a hoax of Melky Cabrera and his associates in order to defend the professional baseball player.
Juan Nunez, a paid consultant for Athletes’ Career Enhanced and Secured Incorporated (ACES), created the web site.
But the lie turned out to be unsuccessful. The MLB exposed Melky Cabrera and Juan Nunez. Thus, the baseball player was enforced to serve the suspension.
The ACES was also troubled. Since Juan Nunez has been a consultant for ACES, the agency and Seth and Sam Levinson were suspected of involving in the hoax. But these individuals affirmed that they were not implicated in the creation of the site and the lie which was thought out by Melky Cabrera and Juan Nunez. Juan Nunez also confirmed that Seth and Sam Levinson had not been implicated in this defense.
The case is still investigated by the Food and Drug Administration. It is unclear yet whether other persons would be also prosecuted and sanctioned for the lie.

Anabolic steroids for prostitutes

Recently Australian Customs and Border Protection detained 4 individuals that possessed the anabolic steroids Oxandrolone (Anavar) and Primoteston Depot (testosterone). Andrew Almada, Cheuk Fai Chan, Prabal Islam and Mohammed Islam tried to smuggle these preparations to Bangladesh. The medications were confiscated and these men were detained.
The Sydney Morning Herald newspaper presented a report about this case, confirming that four individuals were detained while they desired to smuggle steroids that were intended for intake by prostitutes in Bangladesh. This report surprised some individuals. What does The Sydney Morning Herald newspaper mean? Do prostitutes take the same products like sportspeople and bodybuilder who try to improve their performance, enhancing muscle size and strength? Why do prostitutes administer anabolic steroids? Which is the purpose?
Certain individuals understood that it was wrong to suggest that Andrew Almada, Cheuk Fai Chan, Prabal Islam and Mohammed Islam tried to smuggle the steroids in order to inject prostitutes with them. Undoubtedly, prostitutes don’t apply anabolic steroids. There is confusion here. Prostitutes apply corticosteroids which differ from anabolic steroids totally. Corticosteroids lead to other effects. They are capable to enhance performance in prostitutes. While anabolic steroids promote increasing muscle size and reduce fat deposits, corticosteroids promote wasting muscles and enhance body fat deposits.
Orexadon is one of catabolic steroids taken by prostitutes. Those that take this product look healthier and more attractive. Thus, such prostitutes who apply this medicine have more clients.
A prostitute who administers Orexadon affirms that she can serve up to 15 clients daily.
Thus, it is possible to conclude that prostitutes don’t take anabolic steroids which are usually recommended for performance-enhancing effects in sports and bodybuilding. Corticosteroids are more proper preparations for them.
The Sydney Morning Herald newspaper published a false piece of news. Andrew Almada, Cheuk Fai Chan, Prabal Islam and Mohammed Islam didn’t try to smuggle steroids for prostitutes in Bangladesh.

среда, 5 сентября 2012 г.

Usage of HCG and Clomid by steroid users

When you purchase steroids for cycles, you should also prepare such remedies which must be administered to get recovery after usage of steroids.
In case a cycle with steroids lasts over 8 weeks, HCG should be applied during the cycle. It is important to take in consideration that this product is administered just during steroid use.
There such compounds which must be taken after steroid use. For example, Clomid should be taken after steroid cycles. It is recommended to start administering this medication after androgen levels fall substantially and recovery with this medicine becomes possible. It is normally recommended to start taking Clomid with a high quantity (300 mg/day) and lower it gradually till 50 mg per day. Then low quantities are used until steroid users are sure that natural secretion of testosterone is restored and testicles have returned to their ordinary size.
If Clomid is used about 6 weeks and no improvement is seen, it is needed to interrupt usage of this medication. Then if improvements don’t occur, it is required to continue applying Clomid till recovery is gotten. It is allowed to apply this remedy a year. Some studies have demonstrated that prolonged intake of this preparation doesn’t result in grave problems. However some persons may experience vision problems because of Clomid, these troubles are not permanent. They disappear after discontinuation of application. If any troubles connected with vision system appear in those that apply Clomid, they must discontinue taking this preparation.
Clomid may be also used after steroid use. A common dosage is 75 mg/day in such situations.
Although there are such medicines that help to get recovery after steroid use and store strength and muscle gains, it is not a good idea to have prolonged steroid cycles.

Administration of Clomid and Nolvadex in bodybuilding

A lot of individuals frequently ask which medication is more proper for a PCT: Clomid vs Nolvadex. While some steroid users claim that Clomid is better for this need, others claim that Nolvadex is more suitable. Certain persons confirm that Clomid and Nolvadex should be combined.
When you examine structures of these drugs, you can see that they possess similar structures. That’s why they have some similar properties. But the most of individuals and even experts believe that Clomid and Nolvadex are wholly different medicines. Which basis does this statement have? These drugs are utilized in medicine for various needs. Nolvadex is recommended for treatment of breast cancer in females. When it comes to Clomid, it is administered in case of infertility. That’s why it is believed that these are entirely various medications.
In fact, they may be also applied for different needs in bodybuilding and sports. Clomid is advised in order to receive recovery after a steroid cycle during a PCT. As for Nolvadex, it is ordinarily administered as an anti-estrogen remedy.
Comparing potency of these preparations, it is possible to see that Nolvadex is more potent anti-estrogen substance than Clomid.
Both Clomid and Nolvadex are capable to reduce levels of estrogen, stimulating hypothalamus to produce greater quantities of testosterone.
When it comes to dosages of these medications, they differ because one of them is weaker than another. Clomid should be utilized in more increased measures. Thus, such dosages of Nolvadex, as 20-40 mg, lead to more obvious effects than 100-150 mg of Clomid.
Nolvadex is not the most potent anti-estrogen. Such products, as Proviron, Arimidex and Viratase, are considered to be more potent but Nolvadex and Clomid work faster.
Sometimes Clomid or Nolvadex may be administered together with Arimidex or Proviron during a steroid cycle. Such combinations are ordinarily applied in case of gynecomastia.
When you desire to choose which product you should take: Nolvadex or Clomid, you should take in consideration several aspects.
Nolvadex influences on cholesterol levels positively. It also has more direct influence on natural secretion of testosterone than Clomid. As it has been already mentioned, Nolvadex is more powerful than Clomid. In addition to these advantages, Nolvadex is safer. Furthermore, Nolvadex leads to less grave undesirable results than Clomid because more decreased doses are required to cause wanted effects. Furthermore, while undesirable consequences of Clomid are irreversible, those of Nolvadex disappear after discontinuation of administration. The only priority of Clomid is following: it helps to keep more potential gains than Nolvadex.
Knowing these differences between Nolvadex and Clomid, consumers of steroids can make their choice correctly.